Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The story behind the story

Let’s take a glance at the last fiscal year (09/2008-9/2009) in the life of Alyssa Becthold.
(Since my birthday is in September, I’m using that as the beginning of the year, for this blog's purpose.) As I reflect on the year that was age 29, I would almost feel sorry for this person, had she not been myself. However, life never slowed down long enough for me to get too worked up (or give up) over the course of recent events. I just literally learned to roll with it.

It all started as I found myself expecting my third (whoops!) child, in a high-risk scenario. As a sufferer of a brain condition called Chiari Malformation, my doctors had told me that Baby #3 would have to be delivered without conventional pain medincines, like an epidural. That in and of itself would be enough to scare the socks off any mother that has previously delivered children with an epidural!

Throw in about six hospitalizations and extra doctor visits for treatments for crazy pregnancy issues, a demanding career as a PR professional in an advertising agency setting, major home construction/renovation, two other children under the age of 5, active volunteering for 13 charity events/non-profit organizations, a husband in law enforcement, starting up a new family business on the side, and an exasperated brain condition…it became almost comedic.

So, it should come at no surprise that my son was nearly born in the car in March 2009. (Note that I made it inside the hospital, but not even a Tylenol to dull the edge.) Why? Because that is my infamous luck! He was healthy and I survived, so home we went!

Shortly after his birth, my brain condition worsened and I was faced with surgery to fix the problem. Two weeks before surgery (July 4, 2009) my porch swing collapsed to the surface, fracturing my foot beneath. Hobbling about, I underwent Chiari Malformation decompression surgery on July 28, 2009.

I underwent a six-week medical leave, got my bearings ahead of me, registered the older children for school and away back to work I came (sporting a new, glamorous haircut) in September 2009. At the end of it all, I celebrated my coveted 30th birthday! A milestone that seemed to dwarf in comparison to the rest.

The story beneath the story, I am about 25 pounds heavier than I need to be.

I’ve decided that after a really tough year, I’m ready to make age 30 more about first chances…and second chances to do it right the first time.

More about my pursuit of health and overall positive well being.

More about a clear mind with a focused spirit.

More about ME, finally.

Insert October 2009. That’s where #Mamavation comes in.

A co-worker led me to the Mamavation.com website and the new weight loss/social media challenge. Since I desire to lose weight (and be motivated doing it) and I live and breathe PR and social media, the stars aligned and I am fully engaged and ready to participate!

Here’s a bit about #Mamavation from @bookieboo’s Mamavation website:
Mamavation is a social experiment and weight loss campaign on twitter. Mamavation, like motivation, is an opportunity for moms to change their lives together. In hope that they will create a healthy lifestyle for their families.

Although the program is about support, there are two moms, Mamavation Moms that are put through the ringer. They are given a professional fitness plan and diet plan created by a doctor. They are also given access to coaching and lifestyle direction support. The Mamavation Moms are supported across Bookieboo and Twitter by a Cheerleading Squad comprised of moms, and get perks, such as Earth Footwear, Tracey Mallett DVDs, Tae Bo DVDs, and various other products.

The Mamavation Moms will also be expected to adopt a "fit" friend. This person has to be a fit individual who is also a mom. Someone who can check in with them daily to see how they are doing and keep them motivated. (If you would like to be considered as a fit friend, contact @bookieboo.)

The campaign will unfold on Bookieboo where the Mamavation moms will keep a daily food/exercise journal. They will appear on MomTV every Monday at 7pm PST/10pm EST. They will also be part of the Mamavation group on Bookieboo, where they will encourage the entire membership. The Mamavation moms will also be expected to post about their Mamavation experience on their own blogs every week. They also available on twitter to talk about their experiences and inspire everyone they contact. And they will vlog, oh yes, they will vlog. The Mamavation Moms will do 2 vlogs every week chronicling their journey losing weight. You can see those vlogs on MomTV.

How will the moms be chosen? Good question. The Mamavation Moms will come from Twitter. Applications are being accepted October 1st thru 14th. Then 4 moms will be chosen, along with a "follow-along" mom, a total of 5 moms. Voting will commence from Oct. 15-22nd. Each of the five moms will have to ignite their own campaigns to get votes. The Mamavation Mom will be announced on October 22nd with a kick-ass twitter party, #mamavation. We hope you will support us by stopping back soon and posting our twitter party banner on your site. The Mamavation campaign will end on December 9th.

During the campaign, we would love to have your support. Tweet the Mamavation Moms with encouragement. Let them know you support them as they go through this process. It's going to be the beginning of a new life for them, so they will need all the love and support they can get. You can also come join us on MomTV every Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on making it to this point! I wish you the best of luck and I will be voting for you!!
    Love you,
    Cousin Andrea
